
Life is calmer at the beach!

Beach Traffic Flow Optimization for Lewes and Rehoboth, Delaware

A Project Proposal

Harnessing the Power of Smart Traffic Lights in Lewes and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

A Solution to Traffic Congestion and Road Safety

ChatGPT Wolfram Alpha Plugin Versus Code Interpreter

How Do They Compare?

How ChatGPT Code Interpreter Further Democratizes Data Analysis and Code Generation

Adding to the ChatGPT Data Analysis Toolkit

Lewes Rehoboth Bike Loop

A hidden jewel at the beach

Democratizing Data Analysis: GPT-4 and the Wolfram Alpha Plugin

Data Analysis Made Easy

Demand Response: Harnessing Gamification for Greater Residential Engagement

An Important Component of Grid Flexibility

Lewes, Delaware

A Historical Gem by the Sea

Standards Foster Cohesion, Communication, and Progress

To Standardize or Not to Standardize, That Is The Question

Grid Flexibility: A Key Pillar for Transitioning to a Sustainable and Reliable Electricity Grid

With High Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources